Friday, December 19, 2008

I'll Say It Quietly:

We've begun to venture out into the living world.

The Tylenol, Motrin, Sudafed, nasal sprays and other various cold and flu medicine remedies, have been put back into the cabinet and have not been taken back out in a few days.

We've still got a few sniffles and coughs and we're all easily fatigued. But, the sun is out, after weeks of rain, and we're finally able to enjoy it...for now...there is still a lot going around...

We're trying to plan a short trip to Spain. Hopefully, we'll stay healthy enough to make that happen...


Anonymous said...

We have been sick here for about two months straight. And, just when I think we are better and I take Nora and Ella to school, they get sick AGAIN! Ben came home from school sick yesterday... :( Merry Christmas!

Katie said...

I am beginning to HATE December with the burning passion of a thousand white hot suns. I spend all of December either: a) sick; or b) anxious about who is getting sick next; or c) stressing out about holidays and who will be sick during them. I HATE IT.

I'm glad you're returning to normal. It must have been awful for you all lately....